Omniscien » Services

Services Overview

Complementary to our range of language processing products, Omniscien offers a range of language processing, customization, and consulting services. We provide tools and technology, training and specialized services around the various products for your teams to work with and integrate Omniscien Technologies, products, and workflows into your products and services.

If your organization does not have the necessary linguistic and technical skills or resources, Omniscien also provides customization, solution development, and management services either directly or through partners.

At a higher level, the Omniscien senior team engages with our customers for technical and executive-level strategic consulting. This is often a key success factor for larger and more complex projects.

An Omniscien team member will be very happy to discuss your specific product and services queries or your business requirements in detail.

Contact Us for more information.

Custom Machine Translation Engines

Use any Industry Domain Engine as a base to build your own custom MT engine on. Merge your bilingual data or work with the Omniscien team to manufacture and synthesize high-quality bilingual data to customize your own MT engine to fit your exact needs.

New Language Pair Development

With more than 600 language pairs now supported, Omniscien covers the most language pairs of any commercial machine translation provider. There are of course many other languages in the world that technology has yet to address fully. New language pairs can be created as needed in just 4-8 weeks. Talk to the Omniscien team to get more details on the process.

Specialized Artificial Intelligence Solutions

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the basis for mimicking human intelligence processes through the creation and application of algorithms built into a dynamic computing environment that can process and understand data faster, lower cost and with more accuracy than humans. The Omniscien team specializes in AI-based solutions around the processing of text and language.

Custom Language Processing Solutions

Every organization has unique data, languages and operations that set them apart. For this reason, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Omniscien offers a wide range of technologies that cover Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Text Analytics and more. What sets us apart is our ability to build a solution for you that not only intertwines the features from all these technologies disciplines but also spans across more than 600 language pair combinations.

Custom Data Mining Solutions

Are you looking for a data mine design that will help you extract the hidden data necessary to improve sales or increase the operational efficiency of your organization? The Omniscien team will work with you to develop custom data mining solutions that leverage the power of Language Studio text and language processing technologies. This is one of our sweet spots and core expertise – it is something we do every day to build new data and knowledge for the Language Studio AI platform.

Strategic Planning Consulting

Developing a strategy and planning to deploy linguistic technologies can be challenging at the best of times. The complexity is further enhanced by the rapid pace of change with Artificial Intelligence and Language Processing and Machine Learning technologies.

The Omniscien team provides executive level and technical level strategic planning consulting services to help to ensure successful project deployments based on tangible business goals.

Custom Workflow Development

The Language Studio suite of tools offers more than 500 linguistic and file manipulation functions. Bridging all the technologies and steps into a full linguistic workflow can sometimes be complex. The Omniscien team can build your custom workflows for you or can train your team on the optimal use of the various tools and technologies.

Technical Training

Omniscien provides professional onsite and virtual instructor-led training to individuals and groups. We offer training on our core technologies, coding, workflows and best practices in customization of machine translation engines.

Chatbot Optimized Translation Solutions

Chatbot solutions can reduce your customer service costs by as much as 29%. The Omniscien team partners with leading chatbot technology providers such as IBM Watson to deliver groundbreaking multilingual chatbot solutions that cross language barriers. Our team will optimize translation engines for your specific chatbot tasks, workflows and topics banking and finance, telecoms, travel and IT help desks.

Specialized Text Analytics Solutions

Omniscien provides a set of artificial intelligence-based text analytics tools and solutions that are engineered to deliver fast and accurate knowledge extracted from text-based content. Our team will work with you to tailor a solution to meet your specific business use case.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Solutions

About 95% of customer data is found in the form of unstructured text – in emails, survey write-in answers, Twitter posts, online reviews, comments in forums, and more. Omniscien provides Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools that automate the reading and understanding of text using sophisticated algorithms. Our team will help you to develop fast, consistent, and programmable solutions to extract the knowledge needed for business success.

Big Data Consulting and Implementation Services

Turn data into actionable insights with the comprehensive set of Language Studio big data analytics and data mining technologies. With proven expertise in mature technologies and thought leadership in those that are emerging, our team will help you implement the technologies you need to manage and understand your data. Whatever your Big Data challenges are, we'll provide you with the strategic guidance you need to succeed.

FREE WEBINAR: AI and Language Processing Innovation – What Is It Good For? Real-World Use CasesWatch the Replay