Basis Technology
Basis Technology has been at the forefront of natural language processing for over 20 years. With its robust toolkit for processing language, documents, and names, Rosette®, Basis Technology provides text analytics, information extraction, and deep intelligence to global customers in government, finance, eDiscovery, search, social media, and beyond. From the joint collaboration between Basis Technology and Omniscien Technologies comes out a fully integrated and near real-time text analytics and machine translation solution.
Any search-based application or OSINT system working with multilingual text can be enhanced through Basis Technology’s Rosette® text analytics suite and Omniscien Technologies’ Language Studio™ to be far more precise, user-friendly and agile by removing many manual steps and presenting all relevant information in a single place.
Clients can take advantage of having the two platforms combined together into a single, integrated solution:
Basis Technology’s Rosette® text analytics empowers search engines to deliver greater precision and more comprehensive results in 40+ languages. Entity extraction, for instance, delivers higher accuracy by allowing users to target results containing key people, places, and organizations.
Omniscien Technologies’ Language Studio™ machine translation lets users type in one language and search in many, but still see results in the preferred language.
Combining both Rosette® with Language Studio allows users to understand multilingual content, discover insights that a keyword search could not find, understand the information, and share it with non-native speakers.
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