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Introducing Omniscien Technologies' Deep Learning Neural Machine Translation

Customized Deep NMT for Best-in-Class Machine Translation

What is Deep NMT?

Deep Neural Machine Translation is a new technology based on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is an extension of Neural Machine Translation (NMT). Both use a large neural network with the difference that Deep NMT processes multiple neural network layers instead of just one. The result: The best machine translation quality ever experienced – and customized to your unique needs.

To learn more about Deep NMT read our blog “Riding the Machine Translation Hype Cycle – From SMT to NMT to Deep NMT” by Dion Wiggins.

To know more about NMT read our blog “The State of Neural Machine Translation (NMT)” by Philipp Koehn or watch the recordings of our NMT webinar series for a comprehensive introduction to Neural Machine Translation.

What does this mean for you?

Experience the top machine translation quality that the market has to offer by taking advantage of the benefits that each technology provides. Whether Statistical Machine Translation (SMT), NMT or Deep NMT, every technology has its pros and cons. As an example, NMT can handle in-domain content (e.g. Patent, Life Sciences, E-Commerce etc.) much better than SMT, while when it comes to out-of-domain content then the translation quality is often better using SMT.
That is why we at Omniscien Technologies offer a unique hybrid solution combining the best of both worlds – All on our single Language Studio platform. Hence, ensuring that all requirements and business cases can be served in the best possible way.

Contact us at to request a demo or to learn more about how we can assist to deliver the best solution to suit your particular use case.

Why Omniscien Technologies?

We are specialized in customized and in-domain translation engines. Just like you would not want a children’s book translator to work on translating engineering documents or would not ask a translator who is specialized for the Travel and Hospitality sector to translate vitally important medical and healthcare documents within the Life Sciences domain because different expertise is required in order to do the job well. In the same way, you would not want to use a generic translation system if you look for professional translation quality.

We deliver best-in-class machine translation quality for 13 domains including E-Commerce, E-Discovery, Automotive, Life Sciences, Media and others (check here for all domains and language pairs) as well as various functions and full control of the translation process which is needed for many use cases. Omniscien Technologies has been a leader in the language processing space for over 10 years and more importantly is known in the industry for professional, high-quality custom solutions. If you need machine translation that is more than a “one size fits all” approach, look no further.

If you have any questions, contact us. We are happy to assist!

FREE WEBINAR: AI and Language Processing Innovation – What Is It Good For? Real-World Use CasesWatch the Replay