Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Translation: 2022 and Beyond
+ Language Studio V6.0 Product Launch

Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Professor Philipp Koehn
Chief Scientist,
Omniscien Technologies

Dion Wiggins
CTO, Co-Founder,
Omniscien Technologies

Part 1: Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Translation: 2022 and Beyond
There have been many advances in language-related Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Translation (MT) in the last 2 years. MT and more broadly natural language processing have become essential parts of the global technological leadership race in AI. Research in this area has skyrocketed, and many ground-breaking achievements continue to be made. This fast-evolving technology field is changing the way people work, play, and understand data.

Part 2: Language Studio V6.0 Product Launch
Language Studio V6.0 will also launch on July 13, 2022, featuring a vast array of new features that are directly related to Part 1 of this webinar. Features include 1,000 times faster machine translation, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Automated Speech Recognition (ASR), document format conversions and much more. We will provide a walkthrough of the platform and a live demonstration.
Recent webinars that you may have missed!!
The Omniscien team has been hard at work developing our latest versions of market-leading machine translation, media and subtitle processing, and workflow automation products. Currently being finalized and in beta test ahead of their upcoming release, we are excited to announce a series of new products and product updates.
Join the Omniscien team for 3 presentations, including 2 new product preview webinars, and a comprehensive deep dive into the latest advances in data gathering, data synthesis, data cleaning, and best practices for customizing a high-quality translation engine.
Webinar Week Presentations