Applying New Advances in AI-based Machine Translation to Real World Use Cases

Join Omniscien's Chief Scientist Professor Philipp Koehn, a leading researcher in the field of AI and MT, along with Dion Wiggins, Omniscien’s CTO, for 90 minutes of information sharing and insights on what the rest of 2021 and beyond will likely bring. We will look at trends in Neural Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Text Analytics, and more.
This is a 2-part, 90-minute presentation.
Part 1: Exciting Advances and Breakthroughs in AI and MT.
In the last 3 years, there have been many significant advances in language-related Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Translation (MT). MT and more broadly natural language processing have become essential parts of the global technological leadership race in AI. Research in this area has skyrocketed, and many ground-breaking achievements continue to be made. We will present a concise overview of the latest updates and advances in this rapidly advancing field.
Part 2: Putting Advances to Real World Use
This fast-evolving technology field is changing the way people work, play, and understand data. Language Studio V6.0 ships in July 2021, just weeks from now. We will look at many of the exciting new features and show how many of the technological advances discussed in Part 1 are being used in the real world. We will look at runtime translation features, with a number of great product feature reveals, and look at real-world examples of custom MT advances that take engines to as much as 25 BLEU points above Google, Microsoft, and DeepL offerings.
Thursday, 17 June 2021

Professor Philipp Koehn
Chief Scientist,
Omniscien Technologies

Dion Wiggins
CTO, Co-Founder,
Omniscien Technologies
Recent webinars that you may have missed!!
The Omniscien team has been hard at work developing our latest versions of market-leading machine translation, media and subtitle processing, and workflow automation products. Currently being finalized and in beta test ahead of their upcoming release, we are excited to announce a series of new products and product updates.
Join the Omniscien team for 3 presentations, including 2 new product preview webinars, and a comprehensive deep dive into the latest advances in data gathering, data synthesis, data cleaning, and best practices for customizing a high-quality translation engine.
Webinar Week Presentations