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AI Powered Data Processing

A complete toolkit for processing, matching, analyzing, converting, translating, measuring and organizing subtitles and media content.

One Platform
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Media Studio Logo
AI Powered Data Processing

A complete toolkit for processing, matching, analyzing, converting, translating, measuring and organizing subtitles and media content.

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Media Studio Data Processing Platform

Advanced Subtitle, Caption, Media Processing, Analysis and Data Organization

Human Language Technology Enhanced by Artificial Intelligence
Media Studio Data Processing Platform provides an essential and unique set of data processing tools that are specifically designed to create value from your legacy language assets and optimize manual data preparation tasks via artificial intelligence and automation. Many organizations have vast amounts of data assets that can be leveraged for a wide variety of purposes ranging from training data for custom machine translation engines to translation memories, and automated glossaries and dialogs.

Designed for media service providers, OTT providers, and translation organizations that have their project management and editing platform, and occasional/ad hoc users of services. Media Studio Data Processing Platform offers all the core processing functions as both a REST API and a comprehensive web portal.

Media Studio Data Processing Platform provides a comprehensive toolkit for processing, analyzing, organizing, preparing, and creating subtitles and media assets.

Everything you need to organize, clean, normalize, and structure your subtitle and media assets is provided in a single package. A comprehensive set of data processing and analysis tools reduce human effort and increase productivity and accuracy for data preparation tasks such as source language template creation.

Legacy data can be analyzed, organized, matched, and extracted to create new data assets that can be further leveraged as translation memories, or in machine learning and artificial intelligence tasks. Upload your legacy language assets and convert them into data gold.

Subtitle Optimized Machine Translation

Subtitle optimized machine translation is more than just translation. Most machine translation platforms perform very poorly on subtitle content as they are trained primarily on data from documents. Subtitles are full of dialog, conversation, slang, and idioms. Media Studio subtitle engines have been specifically trained on tens of millions of bilingual sentences that are based around dialog and discussion. This produces significantly higher translation quality and ensures the resulting translation sounds natural. Different video genres can also be applied to produce different styles of output.

Time savings go far beyond automatically translating subtitles. Configurable settings allow for time cues to be adjusted based on target language reading speed, locked to the original times, and a range of other adjustable parameters. Translated sentences are split across subtitles in natural positions using where a human would split them using artificial intelligence to make the subtitle read naturally within the user-configurable parameters such as Characters Per Line (CPL).

Together these features more than double productivity for translator and editors. Used in conjunction with Media Studio’s Subtitle Editor, even greater productivity gains are possible.

Data Processing ServerMedia Studio Data Processing Platform is included with Media Studio Project Management and Editing Platform.

WorkflowWorkflow Studio is included with Media Studio to extend custom workflow capabilities and advanced automation tasks.

Available as two Platform Editions specifically designed to match different business needs.

Feature Overview

Each feature is built on a core of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing

Machine learning enables machines to work more like humans so that humans don't have to work more like machines. Each feature is designed to augment human intelligence, enhance productivity, increase quality, and reduce cost. Artificial intelligence enables processing and organization of data that simply would not be cost-effective or feasible with a human only approach.

Subtitle-Optimized Machine Translation

Subtitle-optimized machine translation delivers faster, cheaper, higher quality, and more consistent translation output than a human only solution. Fine tune for Characters Per Line (CPL), part-of-speech, structure balancing and more. Powerful artificial intelligence driven processes reduce human effort and increase productivity.

Learn More

  • Subtitle Translation
  • Synopsis Translation
  • User Review Translation
  • Document Translation
  • Genre Specific Translation Styles within a Single MT Engine

Extract and Normalize Dialogs, Scripts and Screenplays

Extract unstructured and non-standardized dialogs, scripts, and screenplays into useful formats such as dialogs, SRT, or other standardized and normalized document structures.

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  • Transcribe Audio
  • Dialog Synchronization
  • Auto-Conform

Transcribe and Synchronize Video and Audio

Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) technologies can reduce human effort and time to transcribe a video. When used in conjunction with a user-provided dialog or extracted dialog from Media Studio tools, accurate transcription of a 1-hour video is reduced from 8-10 hours to between 2-3 hours.

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  • Dialog Extraction
  • Format Normalization

Extract and Translate Glossaries and Terminology

Reduce the time to create a glossary for a series from hours to minutes with language professionals validating and fine-tuning the automated results. When creating bilingual glossaries, language professionals need only check and adjust suggested glossary phrases, increasing their productivity from an average of 20 to more than 160 terms per hour.

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  • Glossary and Term Extraction
  • Bilingual Glossary Creation

Match and Synthesize Bilingual Data

Turn your legacy language data assets into “data gold”. Many media service providers have tens of thousands of files that have been built using multiple platforms and with sometimes non-optimal management controls and filing systems. Simply upload files and automatically identify and match their bilingual document pairs and extract high-quality bilingual sentences. Even monolingual data can be leveraged as a driver for synthetic data. Use your data assets to bolster your own custom machine translation engine.

Learn More

  • Bilingual Subtitle Pair Matching
  • Bilingual Sentence Matching
  • Data Synthesis
  • Customize your own Machine Translation Engine

Advanced Subtitle Analysis and Processing

Analysis, processing, and organization of subtitles, captions, and related data files are often challenging. Even more so for legacy or acquired third-party data assets. Media Studio will automatically analyze, convert, extract, compare, measure, normalize, restructure, reformat, and rename caption and subtitle data in bulk.

Learn More

  • Language Identification
  • Bulk Renaming
  • Burn and Encode
  • Burned-In Subtitle Recognition
  • Bulk Encoding Conversion
  • Bulk Format Conversion
  • Compare Multiple Subtitles
  • Genre Identification
  • Measure Change Effort
  • Restructure & Reformat Subtitles

WATCH THE REPLAY: AI Language Processing in Action: Bridging the Gap Between Hype and Real Business ImpactRegister Now