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Language Studio

Convert File Formats -
File Types

Convert Archive, Audio, Caption, Computer Aided Design, Data, Document, eBook, Email, Feed, Font, Image, Localization, Presentation, Project and Task, Spreadsheet, Subtitle, Syndication, Vector and Video files.

File Formats
Convert Anything
File Types
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Supported File Types

Language Studio supports a wide range of file formats. Convert one or more files of the same type to another type by simply dragging and dropping (or uploading) your files and selecting the output format.

New file types are added on a regular basis. The below file type categories are supported in the current release:


An archive file is a computer file that is composed of one or more files along with metadata. Archive files are used to collect multiple data files together into a single file for easier portability and storage, or simply to compress files to use less storage space. Archive files often store directory structures, error detection and correction information, arbitrary comments, and sometimes use built-in encryption.

  • Packing: 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and WIM
7Z7-Zip Compressed File
ARJArchiver Robert Jung
BZIP2Burrows–Wheeler algorithm, compressed archive file
CABCabinet File
CHMCompiled HTML Format
CPIOCopy Input/Output
FATFile Allocation Table
HFSHierarchical System Format
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
LHZLempel-Ziv-Huffman, compressed archive file
LZMALempel-Ziv-Markov chain Algorithm, compressed archive file
NSISNullsoft Scriptable Install System, compressed archive file
NTFSNew Technology File System, compressed archive file
RARWinRAR Compressed Archive
RPMRed Hat Package Manager
TARTape Archive File
UDFUniversal Disk Format File
WIMWindows Imaging Format
ZUnix compressed
ZIPCompressed Archive File


An audio file is a file format for storing digital audio data on a computer system. The bit layout of the audio data (excluding metadata) is called the audio coding format and can be uncompressed, or compressed to reduce the file size (often using lossy compression). The data can be a raw bitstream in an audio coding format, but it is usually embedded in a container format or an audio data format with defined storage layer.

Convert between audio formats or extract audio from any video file.

8SVXAmiga 8SVX
AACAdvanced Audio Coding
AC3AC3 Audio File
AIFFAudio Interchange File Format
ALACApple’s Lossless Audio Codec
AMBAmbisonic B-Format
AUSun Microsystems AU File Format
AVRAudio Visual Research File Format
CAFCore Audio Format
DSDDirect Stream Digital
FLACFree Lossless Audio Codec
GSMGSM 06.10 Lossy Speech Compression
M4ACompressed Audio File Format
M4RMPEG 4 Ringtones Audio
MP2MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer 2
MP3MP3 Audio Format
NISTNIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) File Format
OGGOgg Vorbis Compressed Audio Fiel
OGVOgg Vorbis
TTATrue Audio
VOCSound Blaster VOC File Format
WMAWindows Media Audio
WAVWaveform Audio File Format
WVWavPack Lossless Audio Compression

Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

Computer Aided Design (CAD) is a form of digital design that allows users to create, modify and manage 2D and 3D models. A CAD file contains a blueprint, schematic, technical drawing or 2D/3D rendering of an object. CAD data exchange file formats are used to exchange drawing data and to translate between different Computer-aided design (CAD) authoring systems or between CAD and other downstream CAx systems. Many companies use different CAD systems and exchange CAD data files with suppliers, customers, and subcontractors.

There are many different file formats available for CAD files, but the most common formats are DWG (AutoCAD), DXF (AutoCAD), IGES (Inventor), STL (3D Systems) and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).



A data file is a computer file which stores data to be used by a computer application or system, including input and output data. Many computer applications use XML and JSON data files. For simple data storage, CSV or TSV are also a very common formats that are easily imported into a spreadsheet tool such as Microsoft Excel. The most simple data file is a TXT (plain text) file where the data is not structured and is simple text only.

CSVComma Separated Values
JSONJavaScript Object Notation
TSVTab Separated Values
TXTPlain Text
XMLExtensible Markup Language


A document file contains formatted information that includes layout, fonts, styles (bold, italic, underline, etc.), page margins, headings, bullets and numbers, diagrams, images, etc. Some document formats are used in word processors such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs, while others such as PDF (Portable Document Format) are intended for publication and are not normally editable.

Formats such as PDF can be challenging to convert to editable formats such as Microsoft Word as all the editing information has been removed and therefore must be reverse engineered in order to produce an editable document. Language Studio uses AI to determine the structure of table borders, page margins, headers, footers, and other document structural elements.

Other Microsoft Office formats are also supported, including Presentations and Spreadsheets.


CHMCompiled HTML Format
DOCMicrosoft Word DOC Format
DOCMMicrosoft Word DOC Format Macro enabled
DOCXMicrosoft Word DOCX Format
DOTMicrosoft Word DOC Template files
DOTXMicrosoft Word DOCX Template files
HTMLHypertext Markup Langauge
MDMarkDown Documentation
ODTOpenDocument Text File format
OTTTemplate Documents in compliance with OASIS’ OpenDocument Standard Format
PCLPrinter Command Language
PDFPortable Document Format
Portable Document Format -Standard
PSPostScript (a general purpose page description langauge)
PUBMicrosoft Publisher Document
RTFRich Text Format
TEXLaTeX Document Format
WP/WP6/WP7Word Perfect Format
WPTWord Perfect Template
XHTMLText Based File with Markup in XML
XPSXML Paper Specification


An eBook (short for electronic book), also known as an e-book or an ebook, is a book publication made available in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display of a computer or other electronic device. Although sometimes defined as “an electronic version of a printed book”, some eBooks exist without a printed equivalent. eBooks can be read on dedicated e-reader devices, but also on any computer device that features a controllable viewing screen, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones.

EPUBElectronic Publisher Format
MOBIMobipocket eBook


Email is a common means of communication for businesses and individuals alike and Email clients are used to send and receive email messages, as well as manage other aspects of your email account. The email clients use a variety of email file formats to store their various data including email messages, attachments, folders and address books, etc.

There are several common email file types. The most common type of file extension associated with email is EML (Outlook Express Message File). PST (Microsoft Outlook’s Personal Storage Table) is a popular format that stores many emails in one place for quick and retrieval. Emails may be stored with attachments embedded and are typically formatted as HTML and plain text within the format of each specific file type.


Feed / Syndication

A web/news feed or syndication is a data format used for providing users with frequently updated content. Content distributors syndicate a web feed, allowing users to subscribe a channel to it by adding the feed resource address to a news aggregator client / feed reader / news reader.

ANPAIPTC ANPA News Wire feed format
ATOMAtom Syndication Format
RSSRich Site Summary


Fonts are a crucial part of the way we interact with computers. The file formats that allow us to store and access fonts have been improving steadily over time, but the latest versions are truly impressive. Modern fonts can handle complex scripts like Arabic and Hebrew, support multiple languages at once (like English plus Chinese), provide more accurate metrics for shaping glyphs based on their intended usage (for example in small sizes or large sizes), and they can also have multiple colors.

Popular file formats include TTF (TrueType Font), OTF (OpenType Font), CFF (CFF Font), and EOT (Embedded OpenType).



Image file types are classified into raster image formats and vector image formats. The files in this category are raster images – digital images that comprise of pixels data for representation of colors. There are two main types of raster image formats – lossless and lossy. Lossless means that no information is lost when the file is opened and viewed — the same as it was when it was first created; whereas lossy means that some information has been lost due to compression algorithms being applied during the creation process (which decreases file size but which may also decrease image quality in some cases). These are the most common image types for graphics that are used for the web as well as for digital photos.

Common raster image file formats include BMP (Bitmap image file), PNG (Portable Network Graphics), GIF (Graphics Interchange File) and JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group).

APNGAnimated Portable Network Graphics
BMPBitmap Raster Image
DCMDICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine image)
DIBDevice-Independent Bitmap Raster Image
DJVUGraphics File Format
DNGDigital Negative Graphics
DXFDrawing Exchange Format
EMZEnhanced Metafile
GIFGraphical Interchange Format
J2K/JP2JPEG 2000
JPEG/JPGJoint Photographic Experts Group
ODGOpen Document Graphics
OTGOpen Document Drawing Template File Format
PNGPortable Network Graphic
PSDPhoto Shop Document
TGARaster Graphic Format by Truevision Inc
TIF/TIFFTagged Image File Format
WEBPModern Raster Web Image


Localization file formats are designed for two very distinctive roles and purposes – to assist translation professionals in translation by leveraging previous translations or pre-defined terminology, and as a localization resource file where a user can switch between locales/languages within an application.

Translation memories are used to recall previous translations and match against new strings to be translated and also to share translation files between users or when outsourcing content localization. The most common file format for translation memories in XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange Format), with variants created by a number of vendors that have their own vendor specific extensions. TBX (Term Base Exchange) is the most common terminology exchange format. All CAT (Computer Aided Translation) tools will support XLIFF. Many will also support still the legacy TMX (Translation Memory Exchange) format, although this is now a defunct standard.

There are many application localization files with many formats that are specific to the programming language in which they were written. Popular file formats include PO (Portable Object), POT (Portable Object Template), YAML (Yet Another Markup Language / YAML Ain’t Markup Language) and RESX (.NET Managed Resources File).

MQLXLIFFmemoQ XML Localization Interchange Format (XLIFF Variant)
SDLXLIFFSDL XML Localization Interchange Format (XLIFF Variant)
TBXTerm Base Exchange
TMXTranslation Memory Exchange
XLIFF/XLFXML Localization Interchange Format


Presentation files are a type of document that stores information regarding the look and feel of slides, animations, and other presentation data. Presentation files also store important information such as: text, embedded objects, audio/video files and shapes.

The most common presentation file file format is PPTX (Microsoft Powerpoint). Many presentations are also converted into PDF (Portal Document Format) when they need to be shared with others as a published document.

Other Microsoft Office formats are also supported, including Documents and Spreadsheets.

ODPOpenDocument Presentation
POTMicrosoft PowerPoint 97-2003 Template
POTMMicrosoft PowerPoint Template with Macros Enabled
POTXMicrosoft PowerPoint Template
PPSPowerPoint Slide Show 97/2000/XP
PPSMPowerPoint Slide Show with Macros Enabled
PPSXPowerPoint Slide Show
PPTMicrosoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP
PPTMMicrosoft PowerPoint with Macros Enabled
PPTXMicrosoft PowerPoint

Project and Task

Project files are an essential part of any project management system. Files are used to store tasks, resources, and scheduling to get a measurable output in the form of a product or a service. The most common file format for project files is MPP from Gantt charts can be created and exported as PDFs or images for documentation purposes. Additional file formats include MPX which is used by Microsoft Project and XER which is used by Excel.



Spreadsheets are one of the most versatile data-handling tools available. With a spreadsheet, you can organize and analyze your data in many different ways, including tables, graphs and charts. Spreadsheets are a great way to organize your data, but sometimes you need to save your spreadsheet in a different file format.

The most common file extension for spreadsheets is XLSX (Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet), but there are other options as well. Other common extensions include ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet), XLS (Microsoft Excel Binary File Format) and CSV (Comma Separated Value).

Other Microsoft Office formats are also supported, including Presentations and Documents.

ODSOpenDocument Spreadsheet
OTSOpen Document Spreadsheet Template File Format
XLSMicrosoft Excel XLS Format
XLSBMicrosoft Excel Binary Spreadsheet
XLSXMicrosoft Excel XLSX Format

Subtitle / Caption

Subtitles and captions are lines of dialogue or other text displayed at the bottom of the screen in films, television programs, video games or other visual media. Subtitles refer to a text translation of audio into a different language and are for people who can hear the audio, but may not be able to understand the dialogue. Captions are text in the language of the audio and are designed for anyone unable to hear the audio, they often also contain descriptions of important sounds that would not normally be perceived by anyone who is unable to hear the audio. 

The most common file type for subtitles in the SRT (SubRip Text Format) format. However, TTML (Timed Text Markup Language) is the dominant standard with more advanced editors and newer applications.

DFXPDistribution Format Exchange Profile
PACScreen Subtitling Systems PAC Format
SCCScenarist Closed Captions
SRTSubRip Text Format
SUBMicroDVD Subtitle
TTMLTimed Text Markup Language
VTTWeb Video Text Tracks (WebVTT)


Vector graphics are different because they don’t use pixels at all (unlike raster / bitmap graphics)—they’re made up entirely of mathematical calculations called vectors instead! This means that they can scale. Vector images are stored as mathematical formulas rather than pixelated pieces of color. Images are created directly from geometric shapes defined on a Cartesian plane, such as points, lines, Curves and polygons.

Vector graphics are often used for illustrations, graphic design , computer-aided design, and geographic information systems, but can also be used to represent photographs and other pictures. Common file types include AI (Adobe Illustrator Artwork) , PSD (Adobe Photoshop Document) and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).


AIAdobe Illustrator Artwork
CMXCorel Metafile Exchange
EMFEnhanced Windows Metafile
EPSEncapsulated PostScript
PSBPhotoshop Large Document Format
PSDAdobe Photoshop Document
SVGScalable Vector Graphics
SVGZCompressed Version of Scalable Vector Graphics
WMFMicrosoft Windows Metafile
WMZCompressed Version of WMF


Video file formats are used by computers to store digital media. Because of the increasing popularity of video content, a number of different types of video file formats are available for use. There are many different factors, including file size and quality, that can assist in determining which format you should use for your videos.

The most popular video formats are AVI (Audio Video Interleave), MOV (QuickTime Movie), WMV (Windows Media Video), M4V (MPEG-4) and MP4 (MPEG-4). All these formats support high definition videos with different quality levels ranging from 480p to 1080p and above.

A video can also be converted into an audio file format that contains the audio only from the original video.

AVIAudio Video Interleave
F4VFlash video formats
FLVFlash video formats
HTML5AudioVisual media file format
M2TSMPEG-2 Transport Stream
MKVMatroska Multimedia Container
MOVQuickTime Movie
MP4MPEG-4 Part 14
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